CCPA-NS director Christine Saulnier speaks at Federation presidents meetings

July 15, 2024

The Canadian Provincial and Territories Federations of Labour Presidents, while assembled in Halifax, heard from a number of speakers including Christine Saulnier, the Director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia, who took the stage to address the group. With her expertise and passion, she delivered a compelling presentation on several crucial topics, including the concept of a living wage, building a strong economy, and implementing a public $10 a day child care system among other topics related to the CCPA Nova Scotia’s work.

Saulnier’s focus on the Living Wage movement struck a chord with the audience. Recognizing the growing income inequality in society, she emphasized the importance of fair wages that allow individuals and families to not only survive but thrive. By advocating for a Living Wage, Saulnier aimed to empower workers, reduce poverty, and create a more equitable society.

In addition to the Living Wage, Saulnier outlined strategies for building a strong economy. Another critical aspect of Saulnier’s presentation was the concept of affordable child care. She passionately argued for the implementation of a public $10 a day child care system, emphasizing its potential to alleviate financial burdens on families, support working parents, and provide quality early childhood education. Such a system would not only benefit families but also contribute to the overall economic growth and development of the country.

The federation of labour presidents listened intently, recognizing the significance of these proposals. Inspired by Saulnier’s insights, they engaged in thoughtful discussions, exploring ways to incorporate these ideas into their respective provinces and territories. With a shared vision for a fair and prosperous Canada, the presentation left the gathering feeling empowered and motivated to enact positive change.

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