Today is International Literacy Day

September 9, 2024

On this International Literacy Day, the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour (NSFL) acknowledges the critical role of literacy in empowering workers and enriching communities across the province. The ability to read, write, and comprehend is not merely a personal asset; it is a key that unlocks opportunities, fosters economic growth, and facilitates social participation.

Literacy is a fundamental tool that helps individuals reach their full potential. It equips them with the skills and confidence to navigate the complexities of the modern world, from understanding health information to engaging with digital technologies. It also opens doors to further education and professional development, enhancing workforce readiness and adaptability.

We salute the numerous literacy organizations in Nova Scotia that tirelessly work to nurture learning environments where individuals can thrive. Through their dedication and commitment, they play a significant role in shaping a literate, informed, and resilient society.

Literacy Nova Scotia (LNS), among others, has been instrumental in this mission. They have collaborated with community organizations across the province, enabling hundreds of workers and others to pursue further education, attain their Grade 12 diploma, and explore other educational opportunities. This partnership has been pivotal in promoting not just basic literacy, but also computer literacy, financial literacy, and other essential skills in the 21st century.

Moreover, these organizations have made commendable strides in offering specialized training programs. For instance, helping individuals become continuing care assistants, a profession that is vital in our society. This not only enhances personal capabilities but also addresses pressing workforce needs in our province.

However, the journey doesn’t end here. While we have made significant progress, there is an urgent need for increased government support for literacy organizations. These entities are the lifeblood of our educational ecosystem, enabling those at the margins of society to gain essential skills and knowledge. More funding is not just a necessity, but a call to action, to reach more people, provide more resources, and create a more inclusive, literate Nova Scotia.

Literacy is not a privilege; it’s a right. On this International Literacy Day, the NSFL calls upon the government to reaffirm its commitment to literacy. Let us ensure that every person in our province has the opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute to Nova Scotia’s collective progress. Let us unlock the potential within our communities and build a future where everyone can thrive. 

Onward to a literate Nova Scotia!


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