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Violence and harassment are not part of the job!
Join us to oppose workplace violence. By taking this pledge, we commit to fostering a culture of safety and respect in our workplaces and collaborating to prevent violence in all its forms. We know that in today’s workplaces, the rise in workplace violence is a pressing concern, especially for those in positions of public exposure. Frontline workers are our everyday…Click to open the link
Nova Scotia Needs Anti-Scab Legislation!
We need anti-scab legislation in Nova Scotia. The right to strike is a fundamental aspect of our labour laws and is protected under the Canadian Constitution. However, this right is undermined when employers are allowed to use replacement workers, or ‘scabs’, during legal strikes or lockouts. This practice labour disputes, leading to negative impacts on our economy and community. We…Click to open the link
Help end the abuse of Non-Disclosure Agreements!
Non-disclosure agreements (NDA) perpetuate a culture of secrecy, shielding individuals or organizations from the consequences of their actions. Non-disclosure agreements are contracts that were created to protect trade secrets. When used wrongly, secret settlement contracts are used to buy the silence of a victim or whistleblower, and NDA has become the default solution for organizations, corporations, and public bodies to…Click to open the link