NSFL urges Premier Houston to enact anti-scab legislation
NSFL president Danny Cavanagh wrote Premier Houston this week after the government started using replacement workers (Scabs) during the CUPE strike with Local 5047, once again urging the the province enact anti-scab legislation. These laws would prohibit employers from using replacement workers during a legal strike or lockout, ensuring that workers can exercise their right to collective bargaining without fear of being replaced. Such laws are an essential part of protecting workers’ rights in Canada.
It’s time for all workers to become protected by anti-scab laws. Anti-scab laws allow workers to exercise their right to collective bargaining without fear of being replaced. Replacement workers undermine the constitutional right to strike recognized by the Supreme Court of Canada and weaken unions’ ability to negotiate fair wages and working conditions. Passing solid anti-scab legislation ensures that all workers have access to fair wages and working conditions. We are concerned that it is costly for Nova Scotians, as staffing agencies charge exorbitant fees for their services. This practice also prolongs and undermines the strike, leading to financial and emotional strain for all parties involved. Read Danny’s letter to Premier Houston.