NS Federation of Labour stands in solidarity with the more than 5,000 administrative professionals
The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour stands in solidarity with the 5000-plus administrative professionals working in hospitals and community care settings across our province. These dedicated individuals perform crucial roles in maintaining the smooth operation of our healthcare system.
However, we are deeply concerned about the government’s lack of respect during negotiations despite their promises to improve healthcare.
The introduction of laws by the former Liberal government that prevent healthcare workers from going on strike is something we strongly opposed and have called on the Conservative government to repeal these laws, which they haven’t, claiming Bill 148 is redundant. Unfortunately, they have decided not to repeal the Liberal law, and the employer is using the anti-union legislation as an excuse to delay negotiations.
We urge Premier Houston to end this unfair situation and demand that the employer comes to the table to negotiate in good faith. Treating these workers fairly is crucial, as the rising costs affect everyone. These administrative professionals play an essential role in our healthcare system and should be able to support themselves and their families during times of high-interest rates and inflation.
If Premier Houston is a person of his word, he must direct his bargaining team to engage in fair and respectful negotiations with these essential employees. The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour is committed to supporting and fighting for the rights and well-being of workers in every sector. We call on the government to recognize the invaluable contributions of these administrative professionals and engage in meaningful dialogue to achieve a mutually beneficial agreement. Together, we can create a fair and inclusive working environment that ensures the sustainability and effectiveness of our healthcare system.