Happy Holiday Season
As 2024 comes to a close, we reflect upon all that has happened in the past year: the important struggles fought and momentous victories won, both by and for working people across this province.
Our Federation can look back on the past year and know our hard work makes a difference for all Nova Scotians and we extend our heartfelt appreciation for the hard work of all of our affiliates and community partners.
As the holidays approach, we must remind ourselves that this holiday season may be challenging for some workers.
We think about the workers in Nova Scotia who are facing uncertainty over the holidays and the struggles of those who are looking for work, who cannot work, and who are denied work.
We think of all those working over the holidays to keep the rest of us safe, healthy, fed, and fueled.
The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour works for positive change in every area that affects people’s daily lives. We believe that all people deserve safe, just, inclusive, and equitable working and living conditions – whether you belong to a union or not.
The holiday season is a time for people to come together with families and friends to celebrate the season, reflect on the past year and embrace the year ahead with optimism and hope.
On behalf of the Executive Council, staff and over 70,000 affiliated members of the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour we want to wish you all joy, rest, peace and solidarity this holiday season.
The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour is the provincial voice of the Labour Movement, representing 70,000 members in over 400 union locals.